Revitalise your customers business with our exquisite Bespoke Service. Differentiation is what makes your brand memorable. This service allows you to meet individual styling & design requirements. From the most intricate trim detailing to simplistic designs; we’re passionate about getting it right.
Choose a simple modification to any of our stock offerings in Poloshirts, Sweatshirts, Fleece Jackets, Tracksuits, Rugby Shirts and T-Shirts as well as the option of your own design; you can virtually create any design you fancy.
Send us a sample of your requirement with details of any modifications required and details of embroidery /printing requirements. Please specify the minimum qty required and the date you require the order by. We will issue a quotation based on your requirement.
Our factories overseas have a vertical manufacturing operation producing high quality fabrics and garments. We produce garments in viscose, cotton, polyester & acrylic in different weights and constructions.
We also have in-house facilities at our factories for direct, reactive and jet dyeing, brushing, soft setting & compaction facilities. We provide embroidery & printing services (for special orders only) carried out overseas at our factories, utilizing the latest techniques & equipment. For further details give us a call.
The minimum qty is dependent on the final design i.e. the fabric / colour / product you choose. However, generally we require a minimum quantity of 500pcs per order.
We will usually look for a minimum of 300 pcs per colour split across different sizes, but some fabric and design requirements will require a higher minimum qty.
We specialise in knits, microfleece, wovens & jerseys, available in different compositions for your exact requirements. We also manufacture fabrics such as single jersey, interlock, three end fleece, single & double pique, single jersey with 6% Lycra. To ensure all details are clear, sampling if required is carried out on receipt of complete information pertaining to shade references, specifications, embroidery files, work sheets & art work.